Aleksandra Atanasovski, London | Photography - Buki Koshoni
What does the word creativity mean to you?
For me, creativity is a way to express feelings in any form. It gives me the power to turn intangible feelings into something concrete. It’s my safe space where I can pour out my heart without limits.
If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?
Be more patient. Everything happens for a reason and at the right time. So if it has to happen it will happen.
Finish this sentence, “Happiness to me is…
When you’re feeling at your full self. I feel this when all of the following elements are connected and happening simultaneously: feeling loved and safe, having a healthy family and self, feeling content, and being surrounded by the right people.
What is one thing you found out the hard way?
Securing a job at the agency of my dreams. It wasn’t easy and required a lot of dedication, as it’s a very prestigious agency with amazing clients. It took me a lot of hard work to get there and I’m extremely proud of myself for persevering. I didn’t settle for other agencies and remained focused on my goal of working there.
If you could have dinner with one creative, past or present, who would it be?
So there’s not one but two! Marcel Duchamp, my favourite artist and the founder of conceptual art. I would love to know if we would have had a great discussion!
The second person is Marina Abramovic. I would love to experience a dinner with her, bounce ideas off each other in Serbian and gain more insight about her personal life and especially what inspires her imagination.
IIs the glass half empty or half full?
Half full! Positivity is what keeps me going and I always try to see the positive in things. Especially during hard times, it’s important to keep hope.
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
I’ve always been drawn to the idea of becoming an art teacher. It’s been my backup plan in case my career as an advertising Art Director didn’t pan out. Art isn’t just a pastime for me; it’s a fundamental part of who I am. I live and breathe art, and the thought of spending my days immersed in it fills me with indescribable joy. Plus, if I can make a living doing what I love, that’s the ultimate dream! But more than that, the idea of sharing my passion, igniting that creative spark in others, and guiding them on their artistic journeys is something I would love to experience at some point in my life.
Which single word, describes you best?
If I had to pick one word that sums me up, it's "Authentic”. I’m always trying to be genuine in anything I do. I can't fake emotions– my facial expressions say it all! Plus, I never forget where I come from or how I was raised. It's like my guiding light, reminding me to stay true to myself no matter what.
What turns you on spiritually or emotionally?
Feeling when someone is passionate about what they do. Feeling their passion makes me intrigued to know more about it. It can be being passionate about cooking or old cars, anything! Just simply hearing someone speaking passionately stimulates me so much!
What turns you off?
Vulgarity. For me, it doesn’t add anything and makes me shut down straight away.
Which of the seven deadly sins are you most guilty of?
I would say… gluttony. I always want more. Especially with food, as I became accustomed to my Mum cooking enough for 20 people, even tho we’re a family of four. This is very typical in Balkan culture. So when I go to a restaurant, I feel the need to order lots of dishes to cover the table and feel like I’m having a feast. I like to try different dishes as well, so that results in even more ordering! This is also reflected in other areas of my life, as I’m never satisfied and always try to never settle for less than I deserve. This can be draining as there are no limits to my goals.
What is your least favourite word?
“Moist”, I really don’t like this word and it makes me feel really weird.
What sound or noise do you love?
The sound of birds relaxes me so much! Every time I hear them it makes me feel super peaceful.
What scares you?
Time, it’s the only thing you can’t take back so I’m always trying to make the best use of it.
What sound or noise do you hate?
I can’t stand loud chewing, it makes me cringe.
What brings you joy?
My family, spending time with my nephews and enjoying their big energy. I also love working on something that has been challenging and then being proud of the end result.